There are several ways businesses can help prevent runoff and pollution, and the proposed Green Code will include guidance on stormwater requirements. In general, keeping rain fall on your site is better than directing it off your property. Reducing impervious areas allows water to infiltrate where it falls- consider adding a green roof, rain garden or cistern to show your customers and clients you are a responsible member of our community and are helping to improve conditions for everyone. Assessing your business performance from a triple bottom line framework that includes considerations for profit, social and environmental outcomes will help you understand your businesses’ overall impact.

As part of the new Green Code, any development over ¼ acre requires a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) and must be completed as part of the site plan review. Smaller developments must also manage stormwater runoff responsibly, but are not required to prepare a SWPP. For more information on requirements as part of the proposed Green Code, visit:

Here are some technical documents and resources for stormwater management: